Issue 9

Issue 9


Across this issue, themes of home, origin, and transition abound, situating us somewhere at the nexus of the three…Across time, our sense of home and nascent belonging rests precariously, relying on external forces—cultural, social, political—to shape their fate. How does our current moment endow our individual and unique pasts?

–Lindsay Preston Zappas, Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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Women on the Plinth
–Catherine Wagley

Us & Them, Now & Then:
Reconstituting Group Material
–Travis Diehl

The Offerings of EJ Hill
–Ikechukwu Casmir Onyewuenyi

Interview with
Jenni Sorkin
–Carmen Winant

Object Project
Featuring: Rebecca Morris,
Linda Stark, and Alex Olson
–Lindsay Preston Zappas
& Jeff McLane

(L.A. in Venice)
Mark Bradford
at the U.S. Pavilion
at the 57th Venice Biennale
–Thomas Duncan

Broken Language
at Shulamit Nazarian
–Angella d’Avignon

Artists of Color
at The Underground Museum
–Matt Stromberg

Anthony Lepore and
Michael Henry Hayden
at Del Vaz Projects
–Aaron Horst

–Simone Krug

Analia Saban
at Sprüth Magers
–Hana Cohn

Letter to the Editor
Lady Parts, Lady Arts