Issue 4
Issue 4
As our privacy becomes increasingly threatened through the public personas we project on the web, how do we maintain a sense of authentic experience (of self and in relation to others)?…Perhaps spurred by these questions, certain artists are invoking a messy blend of life and art, pushing the boundaries between public and private (or real and fake) by simply erasing them. How can a space be private if there is no wall to hide behind?
–Lindsay Preston Zappas, Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Look inside the issue
Moon, laub, and Love
–Catherine Wagley
Walk Artisanal
–Jonathan Griffin
Marva Marrow’s
Inside the L.A. Artist
–Anthony Pearson
Mystery Science Thater:
Diana Thater
–Aaron Horst
Informal Feminisms
–Federica Bueti & Jan Verwoert
Marva Marrow Photographs
Lita Albuquerque
Interiors and Interiority:
Njideka Akunyili Crosby
–Char Jansen
L.A. Art Fairs
–Claire de Dobay Rifelj
Material Art Fair
Mexico City
—Matt Stromberg
Rain Room
—Hana Cohn
Evan Holloway
at David Kordansky
—Lindsay Preston Zappas
Histories of a Vanishing
Present: A Prologue
at The Mistake Room
–Simone Krug
(L.A. in S.F.)
Carter Mull
at fused space
—Keith Vaughn
(L.A. in N.Y.)
Awol Erizku
at FLAG Art Foundation
—Ikechukwu Casmir

Look inside the issue
Moon, laub, and Love
–Catherine Wagley
Walk Artisanal
–Jonathan Griffin
Marva Marrow’s
Inside the L.A. Artist
–Anthony Pearson
Mystery Science Thater:
Diana Thater
–Aaron Horst
Informal Feminisms
–Federica Bueti & Jan Verwoert
Marva Marrow Photographs
Lita Albuquerque
Interiors and Interiority:
Njideka Akunyili Crosby
–Char Jansen
L.A. Art Fairs
–Claire de Dobay Rifelj
Material Art Fair
Mexico City
—Matt Stromberg
Rain Room
—Hana Cohn
Evan Holloway
at David Kordansky
—Lindsay Preston Zappas
Histories of a Vanishing
Present: A Prologue
at The Mistake Room
–Simone Krug
(L.A. in S.F.)
Carter Mull
at fused space
—Keith Vaughn
(L.A. in N.Y.)
Awol Erizku
at FLAG Art Foundation
—Ikechukwu Casmir