Issue 27

Issue 27


We’ve all heard the postmodern war cry that nothing is original. Everything has been done, everything an appropriation. Despite this, authorship, time, and culture can impose meaningful change on even our most enduring stories… Artists across the issue model how new stories can be made from the remnants of the old ones—the familiar moving past the prosaic to become a starting place for reinvention.

Lindsay Preston Zappas
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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I Don't Think I Belong
On Niki de Saint Phalle's
–Catherine Wagley

Time After Time
–Melissa Lo

Abundant Frequencies
Black Abstraction
in Motion
–Neyat Yohannes

Dreaming the

The Communal Visions
of Pipilotti Rist
–Vanessa Holyoak

Interview with
Haena Yoo

–stephanie mei huang

So Close Right Now
–Ian Byers-Gamber


Devin Troy Strother
at The Pit
–Neyat Yohannes

Katherina Olschbaur
at Nicodim Gallery
–Lindsay Preston Zappas

Sam Richardson
at Human Resources
–Erin F. O'Leary

Umar Rashid
at Blum & Poe
–Reuben Merringer

(L.A. in France)
Ser Serpas
at Balice Hertling
–Rosa Tyhurst