Issue 37

Issue 37


In an unprecedented political season—as our problem-solving capacities go into overdrive—tuning into our bodies may be a strategy for seeking out knowledge and connection; a way to ground ourselves in community and active refusal. After all, as Córdova insists, these “sensorial and relational pathways [may be] more available than we think.”

–Lindsay Preston Zappas
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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Sirens in New Pitches
Immersive Art and Violence
–Isabella Miller

The Connective Role
of Art in UCLA’s
Pro-Palestine Encampment
–Aidann Gruwell, Alex Bushnell,
Alex Yang, Katherine Sanchez,
and Ricky Shi

Interview with
Sofía Córdova
—Carmen Winant

Works in Progress
Featuring: Njideka Akunyili Crosby
–Photos: Leah Rom


Annabeth Marks
at Parker Gallery
–Natasha Boyd

Maura Brewer
at Canary Test
–Sampson Ohringer

Familial Technologies
at Commonwealth
and Council
–Ashlyn Ashbaugh

Bruce Richards
at Sea View
–India Mandelkern

Maya Buffet-David
at Soldes
—Hannah Tishkoff

(L.A. in N.Y.)
Jesse Stecklow
at Dracula's Revenge
—Jenny Wu